Honoring Understanding As Love


This rich invitation from Thich Nhat Hanh reminds me of how the approach of Compassionate Inquiry invites us into compassionate relationship with ourselves and one another. This compassionate relating has a profound transform on how a person can experience life and being alive.

Moving away from our habitual reactions and thinking, what is possible?

Compassionate Inquiry invites us to discover this in our own present moment experiential healing and growth.

Seeing understanding as love invites so much gentleness. Where there is gentleness, there is room for curiosity. Where there is curiosity, there is room for possibility. When possibility is invited, we can open our heart to receive.

There is so much creative power and strength to being with what arises in an understanding, compassionate way. I have dedicated my life to serving humanity by making the focus of my work to offer healing approaches for those called to deepen and heal their relationship with themselves, others and the world we live in.

May all beings experience heart peace, love and embodied belonging. May all beings receive the support they are seeking when they are courageous and ask for help.

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To book an Akashic Records Session, visit this page.


“When you plant lettuce, if it does not grow well, you don’t blame the lettuce. You look for reasons it is not doing well. It may need fertilizer, or more water, or less sun. You never blame the lettuce. Yet if we have problems with our friends or family, we blame the other person. But if we know how to take care of them, they will grow well, like the lettuce. Blaming has no positive effect at all, nor does trying to persuade using reason and argument. That is my experience. No blame, no reasoning, no argument, just understanding. If you understand, and you show that you understand, you can love, and the situation will change”
― Thich Nhat Hanh



Leigh Aschoff: Heart Body Wisdom Inviter

Certified Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner + Advanced Akashic Records Practitioner and Teacher